
Upcoming Events at Saint Coleman

  • The Blessing of the Animals will be held on Sunday, October 6th at 2pm outside the Parish Hall.

  • The Saint Coleman Pumpink Patch returns October 6th - October 31st.

  • The Saint Coleman Fall Festival will be held Friday, October 11th from 6pm-9pm. Admission is free. Come enjoy Genuine Oktoberfest Beers, Brats and Sauerkraut Chicken Schnitzel & more.

  • Please join us for our 1st Annual Blue Mass on September 28th at the 4:30pm Mass.

    The first Blue Mass was celebrated in 1934, a Catholic Priest by the name of Thomas Dade from Baltimore initiated the Catholic Police and Fire- men’s Society while stationed at St. Patrick’s Catho- lic Church in Washington, D.C. About 1,100 police and firemen dressed in blue uniforms marched into St. Patrick’s Catholic Church for the celebration of the first“Blue Mass” on September 29, 1934.

    Since then, the “Blue Mass” has become a tradition in which the local community gathers to celebrate and thank those who serve their community as po- licemen and women, firefighters, and EMS responders as well as to offer prayers to God for their continued protection.

    This special Mass is usually held on or around September 29, as it is the feast day of the archangels, Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, who are the patron saints of police officers/first responders.

    We welcome all parishioners and their friends who are in the law enforcement field, who would like to attend. We will have an honor guard in attendance From Pompano High.