Saint Coleman

About Our Parish

We are truly blessed to be lead by wonderful priests who teach and sanctify the parishioners of Saint Coleman through the Holy Eucharist, Sacrament of Reconciliation and all the sacraments.

Clergy Staff

  • Fr. Michael Garcia


  • Fr. Piotr

    Parochial Vicar

Other Staff

  • Marty Navarro

    Office Manager

  • Mechelle Boyle


  • Maureen Brady

    Coordinator of Religious Eduation

  • Kevin Sierra

    Music Director

  • Rosa Sordo

    Parish Secretary

History of Saint Coleman

Saint Coleman Catholic Church is a Eucharistic faith community dedicated to loving and serving Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Join our Parish

We joyfully welcome new members into our community of faith where we worship the Lord together in the celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments.

Volunteer Opportunities

There are many Opportunities for you to help with parish events throughout the year and with our religous education program.

How to Become Catholic

Learn about the RCIA process, a journey of faith and conversion intended to help individuals become Catholic and to grow in their relationship with God

Complete Your Sacraments

Catholics who were baptized in the Church but didn't receive First Holy Communion or Confirmation are encourage to complete the Sacraments of Initiation.

Religious Education

Our religious education program is for both adults and children, who attend our Sunday morning religious education program

Our Ministries

Learn about the various ministries at Saint Coleman and how you can live out your baptismal mission to help others in need.

Mass Times

Everyone wants to know the Mass Times. Stay up to date on our normal Mass Times as well as special holiday Mass times during the year.

Calendar of Events

Saint Coleman has so many wonderful events throughout the year. Find out upcoming events and Holy Days of Obligation on our events calendar.

Hospitality Minsitry

The very essence of the Gospel is love and service to our neighbor, and nowhere is this more evident than in the critical role of the hospitality ministry within our parish.

Altar Servers

Saint Coleman has so many wonderful events throughout the year. Find out upcoming events and Holy Days of Obligation on our events calendar.

Lector Ministry

Lectors play a pivotal role in Catholic worship, as they bring to life the scriptures during liturgical celebrations, fostering an active engagement with God's Word.