Saint Coleman Cathlic Church Our History

Saint Coleman Catholic Church is a Eucharistic faith community dedicated to loving and serving Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our patron saint is St Coleman of Cloyne.

Our community of faith dates back to the middle of the 20th century. Our current church building was erected in 1986. Above is a photograph from our 1986 Groundbreaking Ceremony.

The earliest days of our community begins in the 1950s when Bishop Coleman Carroll transferred Father Fogarty from Our Lady of the Assumption Mission to the newly formed St. Coleman Parish as its founding pastor. Father Fogarty immediately faced and embraced the challenge to design and build a full parish complex, including a church, convent, parish hall and school on the property it currently occupies on North Federal Highway in Pompano Beach. St. Coleman thrived and grew for 15 years under the leadership of Father (and later Monsignor) Fogarty.

My prayer today for all who come to this church now and in the future, is that it will be for one and all 'the house of God and the gateway to heaven

Father Dominic J. Barry
2nd Pastor of Saint Coleman

In 1974, Monsignor Fogarty retired and Monsignor Dominic Barry became the second pastor of St. Coleman Parish. During his 15 year tenure as pastor, Monsignor Barry ushered St. Coleman through a period of tremendous growth and change. A new rectory and church were built and continue to serve the parish today, while the old church building became the parish hall, and the building that formerly served the parish hall became classroom space. Upon the death of Monsignor Barry in 1989 Father Thomas Foudy became the third pastor of St. Coleman Parish. Under Father Foudy’s leadership the parish continued to flourish. Father Foudy had a special love and devotion to St. Coleman School and he was able to substantially increase the capacity of the school through building and improvements, including converting the original rectory and convent buildings into classroom space, adding an outdoor gymnasium and installing state-of-the-art technology. As a permanent tribute to Father Foudy’s commitment to Catholic education at St. Coleman School, the parish hall was named in his honor just prior to his retirement in 2015.

Father Henryk Pawelec became in 2015 and served in that capacity for 3 years through the summer of 2018.

In August of 2018, Father Michael A. Garcia became Administrator of St. Coleman parish. He brings great joy and enthusiasm to our parish and on October 27, 2019, Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski installed Father Garcia as the fifth pastor of Saint Coleman Catholic Church.

His Excellency Thomas G. Wenski, Archbishop of Miami, and Father Michael Garcia prepare to proceed into Saint Coleman for the Installation Mass of Fr. Michael as Pastor on October 27, 2019.